Sunday, March 21, 2010

Surgery Tomorrow: 3-22-2010

Tomorrow is the big day! We are a bit nervous, but mostly just sad for the pain and ordeal that Sophia will have to go through. She won't understand what's going on of course, so I have a vision in my head of her eyes saying, "Mommy! What's going on? This hurts me! Why did you let this happen?" I know - crazy thoughts.

When we wake up tomorrow morning, Sophia can only have clear liquids, and that, only until 7. She will not be excited about this, but we are hoping Jello (a clear liquid of sorts) will help pacify her momentarily. We will leave here at 7:25am, drop the kids off at some school/neighborhood friends, and head to the hospital. We have to be there at 8am. She has surgery scheduled for 10am. Tubes go in first, I think, and then they will repair her lip. Total time will be 1-2 hours.

We don't know yet whether this will be out patient surgery or if we will stay overnight at Peyton Manning Children's Hospital. They will decide that based on how things go tomorrow. We'll keep you posted.

Please pray for us tomorrow. God has shown Himself faithful throughout this whole process and gotten us through the bumps along the way. Pray for His presence with us, His healing for Sophia's body, and for His healing of my very yucky cold. Blessings to you.


  1. Hi Stephanie...
    My name's Rachael...I'm a friend of Liz's (I live in Australia), I was talking to her on facebook a little while ago and was commenting on all her nieces and nephews (there are quite a few these days!) and we got to talking about Sophia. She is gorgeous! I just read all your blogs and, while feeling a little bit like a stalker, am so excited for all that God has done and will continue to do through you, your husband and your beautiful children. Sophia is a very blessed little girl.
    I'll be praying for Sophia and am anxious to hear how it all goes.


  2. good to meet u rachel. Any friend of liz's is a friend of ours! we're doing pretty well! I'll blog later hopefully!
