Overall, today went very well. Sophia is currently asleep in her bed. How long she will stay there, fast asleep is the big question at this point. They hopped up Tylenol might help a little, but we shall see. We are preparing for a long night.
Back to the beginning: Sophia was a trooper from the get go as she didn't whine much about not getting breakfast. We were out of the house by 7:25 and on our way. After driving through the rain and morning traffic, we were only 10 minutes late, but that still got us there with lots of time. We met with the doctors and nurses and by 9:30, they were ready for her.
They took her back with relatively few tears (check the first half of the video for the footage). Then, 10 minutes later, the ENT, Dr. Trigg, came out and told us he was all finished - the ear tubes were in! Dr. Sadove took a little longer. 2 hours later, she was in recovery screaming and they came and got us, thinking we would be able to calm her. Not so much. She screamed for 45 minutes with quick breaks to sip some orange Gatorade. She was a thirsty monster, but managed to keep it all down despite the rage and coming out of aneastesia.

We stayed at the hospital in our little surgery waiting room for another 2 1/2 hours and felt like she was ready for her house (maybe we were ready for our house. Either way, it was good to be home). We were home before the kids even got home from school!
Sophia is very fond of me at this point and really would prefer not to be bothered by anyone else. She mostly wants to be held and be walked around. My biceps will thank me later, I imagine. Her lip looks pretty beat up, but that was expected. It won't really become as it will be for a couple months. There will probably be another surgery at some point in the next few of years to finish everything off also. For now though, we're glad it's done! Let the recovery begin.
Here's a video of our day: the first half is pre surgery and the second half is post! Poor little peanut!
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