Things are so much better here!
After a 4 hour nap yesterday and some general fussiness (it was a weird day!), David put Sophia to bed at 9pm with a bit of trepidation. What would the night bring? I was out with the ladies for fantastic PFChangs and even more fantastic conversation! As we fell into bed, we negotiated for nighttime duty or morning duty.
Well, low and behold, we both won, as Sophia (and both of us), slept until 9:15! We were just so ridiculously happy. Sophia followed that with a fabulous day complete with a nice long nap and lots of walking and playing.
Yes, she likes to walk. I wouldn't say she's officially walking, but she sure is having fun trying. She would rather walk than crawl, so she tries to find something to hold on to and cruises the place just like pre-surgery.
Her lip is healing pretty nicely. Today, a large scab fell off so it is looking a little more normal. She has little tiny black stitches that will eventually dissolve (these look like little whiskers). On the inside during surgery, they used white stitches that will eventually just come through the surface of the skin. Well, they started coming out, so she looks like she has little pieces of dental floss sitting on her lip.
All in all, things are getting back to normal here. Thank you so much for praying! My cold seems to be on the way out (12 days - it should be!). It now resides in Sophia unfortunately. It makes for a really disgusting looking conglomeration of snot, scab, and stitches under her nose. You can now pray for that to go away too!
As I stood in church tonight worshiping I looked down at my little girl in my arms. She is such a representation of God's grace in my life. He has been so good. Not because I got the long awaited baby (although that is His goodness too!) Not because things worked out just like I thought (they didn't. They may have worked out better!) But because God's presence was so close through her whole story, our whole journey. He is that real that He makes His presence known and felt in every single circumstance to me specifically. That is undeserved. That is a sweet, irreplaceable gift. That is grace.
Watching that video made me smile! So neat to see her walking...and sooo good to have a good nights rest. Hope it continues:)