Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 3: Better!

The fever has flown, it seems. I am hesitant to announce that, as I'm afraid I might be premature. As of this morning though, Sophia's been normal! We are so happy and so much less worried. Sophia is still fussy and seems to have settled in with a cold, but at least there doesn't seem to be imminent danger. She played today which she hasn't done since pre-surgery. She even requested Lauren's Littlest Pet Shop house with a very definite point and grunt.

She is very tired still and that seems to be the cause of her fussiness at this point. You would think that would translate into long naps and sleeping soundly at night. Not quite... mostly she just falls asleep a lot in our arms but doesn't stay sleeping long. That might be because of the uncomfortable armsplints. I'm pretty sure I could sleep just fine with armsplints, but I'm a very tired mommy and could sleep standing so I might not be the best judge.

On a side note, I have finally aquired a taste for coffee! Very conveniently timed, I must say! For a while now, David makes a pot in the mornings and leaves about a cup in the bottom of the pot as he departs for work. After pouring this down the drain for some time, I decided to give it a try with the magical french vanilla creamer he has been requesting I pick up at the grocery. Low and behold, it's not too bad! And more importantly, it makes living on very little sleep so much more possible and even enjoyable. Thanks, David! Just another way you make my life better!

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