Today was great due to these two things. I know, too much info.
Sophia seems to be settling in to her forever family.
She seems to grasp that being snuggled is way more fun than sitting in a crib by yourself.
She laughed at her brother and her mother today.
She saw me give a high five to one of our new friends, Stacy, and she tried to give me one also.
She likes to imitate hand motions and wave her fingers.
She likes to suck her left thumb.

She fell asleep snuggled up to her daddy in a Snuggly with her hand on a Diet Coke. She is her mother's child already. I like both the daddy and the Diet Coke so much! Diet Coke in China doesn't taste the same. I will enjoy a yummy American Diet Coke as soon as possible.
She was much easier to make happy today. We didn't have to be in constant motion!

We went to the park, we applied for her Chinese passport, we went shopping, and we went to Pizza Hut. Today she got her official papers. According to China, we can take her home. Now we just have to get that same approval from the USA. Next week!
As for the rest of us, we feel more rested, more comfortable in China, and Lauren is having fun connecting with the 9 year old adopt
ee from down the hall. They played Trouble, Uno, and watched Mulan in Chinese with English subtitles. That was kind of funny. Marcus lost a tooth while we were at the Pizza Hut. That was kind of crazy, and the pizza was very yummy. Anyway, we are well. Hope you are too!

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