Sunday morning brought another sightseeing opportunity. We headed to the Guangzhou Folk Art Museum for a look around. It was lovely. The building that it is held in used to be the Chen Family's Temple (apparently there have been a lot of Chens in Guangzhou). This is where this particular family used to worship their ancestors. Weird. Anyway, it's now just a very beautiful open air museum. We were wishing that last week's 70 degrees would have been here, but thankfully, I had a little baby to snuggle with. There were so many pretty sculptures and paintings and gardens. Most of the photos are from there.

Then we went to a Tea Ceremony where we learned about different kinds of tea and tasted a bunch of them. We decided that Jasmine tea is our favorite. Then we came home for noodles in our room! That is the kids' favorite lunch option besides McDonald's. Sophia got to eat her yummy bottle and her horrendously awful (or at least in her opinion) medicine. Seriously, we have started a countdown. 5 doses down, 10 to go. She is napping happily now!

Speaking of food, last night we had the tastiest food since arriving. We ate at a little Japanese steakhouse. They cooked our food in front of us and this lovely giant prawn was ordered by the Subletts. Doesn't that look delicious! Actually, I heard that it was quite wonderful.

We are looking forward to watching some great football starting at 4am Monday morning! Go Colts (and Vikings!). If we get our way, we will have a blue and purple Superbowl and we will be happy kids--either way!
love,love reading your stories. she is precious....oh, i just can't wait to meet her in person...