Monday, January 25, 2010

Lauren almost died today. She didn't though.

Yes, it's true! I briefly feared for her life. Actually she got hit by car, but she's fine. Very resilient child! The whole story I'll get to in a bit.

First, and most importantly, we got to watch the second half of the Colts win over the Jets. Go Colts! Very exciting stuff. It's a little weird watching NFL at 5:45am on Monday, but it was great! Superbowl, here we come. The Vikes were a different story of course. We're very sad, although with that many turnovers, they don't really deserve to be in the Superbowl. Oh well, we are mostly happy at the Roux house.

After 4-5 hours of NFL interspersed with breakfast and showers and making the kids do some homework, we finally started our day. Skyping with the Zellman clan was a highlight. Sophia got to meet Grandpa, Aunt Traci, Aunt Liz, and Uncle Bevan. It will be no time at all and we will get to see them for real! Thursday's coming quick.

We have also fed Sohpia her first successful spoonfuls of rice cereal. She likes it! Now, if she can just figure out what to do with her tongue! It's a little messy, but I'm thinking she's never seen a spoon in her life!

David, Sohpia, and Marcus stayed in all day. Marcus is fighting a cold, Sohpia needed to actually get 2 naps at their proper times for a change, and David is polishing up that wedding message. All was well at home as Lauren and I ventured out for some more shopping with the rest of our group. When I asked her what she wanted to do today, her only request was that she wanted to do whatever Annabelle was doing. Very sweet. Oh, we will miss them!

We went to Shamain Island today--Home of the White Swan Hotel and many shops catering almost entirely to adoptive parents. Here we saw lots of touristy trinkets and Chinese babies with non-Chinese parents. Well, not lots, but more than anywhere else. The unfortunate part of this visit was that the whole place is being renovated currently. It's dusty and dirty and quite a mess! Because of this, there are places that sidewalks are somewhat unavailable. Most of the roads don't have a lot of cars, because they're narrow and can't support a lot of traffic.

Well, Lauren thought that the road was clear, but low and behold, it was not. A very shiny black car came flying down this tiny little street past the bus we were just going to go around. It's mirror caught her shoulder and spun her around. The mirror was one of those collapsable ones, so it gave way and claims it didn't hurt at all. I screamed very loudly as any mama would and Lauren looked shocked. After a couple of seconds, she cried, we all cried, but thankfully not from pain, but from fear and relief. Wow, that could have been bad. She is kind of proud of her near death experience at this point and will gladly tell you all the details. Our friends the speedsters were extremely apologetic, but we don't think they spoke much English (besides "I sorry" bow, bow). We just told them, "Slow down." I wanted to yell at them. It's probably good I don't know Cantonese.

After we got home, we ordered Papa John's (really--it tastes the same; they even have the garlic butter sauce and peppercinnis) and played with Sophia who was quite the entertainer tonight. She comes alive in the evenings, it would seem. That will be mornings on the east coast, so that should work out! She and Marcus and Lauren were having a blast rolling and laughing and jumping (not Sophia so much) right here in the hotel room.

I need to go to bed. I've been up forever. The sacrifices we make for football...


  1. Of all these pix (and they're all great) my FAVORITE is this one of Sophia and Marcus on the bed. We are so so happy for you. Love, Sally and Ben Chalex

  2. I'm loving reading about all your experiences, Stephanie (and fam)! Thanks for taking the time to write. My heart is full knowing how happy you are! God is good. And Sophia is so beautiful. Those eyes!
