Here are some photos from our final day in China! There are a lot of details I could post, but I am not sure I'm up for it right now! I have bronchitis. I feel pretty awful, but I am heavily medicated, so I will be recovered shortly, hopefully. I have to be in that wedding tomorrow!
We left our hotel at 7:30am on Thursday (which was 5:30 pm eastern time on Wednesday). Flew to Beijing, checked in and went through security again, had lunch, and got on our plane for Chicago. This was the most challenging leg of the trip. Sophia was fussy the entire time and fought sleep very effectively for all of the trip. She would doze for 15 minutes and then wake herself up. I walked with her for about 6 of the 12 hours to keep her from crying. I have never been so glad to get off of a plane in my life. I'm sure the people sitting around us felt the same way. Lauren and Marcus did fine. Both of them slept a lot.
We then went through customs and then immigration. Sophia became an American! That was very sweet. Walking out of immigration into Chicago airport felt very good, even though we were all feeling pretty bad, especially me.
In Chicago, we went through the worlds longest security line. We made our early flight in time though and victory was in sight! We all did great on this 1 hour flight. We actually arrived early in Minneapolis, so we beat our welcoming party! My parents and my sister Traci arrived shortly with balloons and then David's parents too. The balloons were a hit with Sophia! We finally arrived at Jenny and John's at 10ish central time. Almost 30 hours of travel.
We were exhausted. I felt awful. We slept for most of the night (not so much from 2-4), and woke up relatively normally. After a trip to the doctor, a dose of zythromax, and a shower, I'm beginning to feel better. Sophia is having a really normal day! We are glad for that. What a trooper. She's met so many new people and she's been mostly happy about it!