So far, Sophia has been sleeping pretty good! We kind of can't believe it, but she generally goes down about 8:30 and gets up around 7. Can't complain! Lauren has moved back into her room for sleeping and that has gone pretty seamlessly. Sophia goes to bed with less than a minute of crying usually.
My Mom's In Touch group threw Sophia a surprise shower on Wednesday. Very sweet. Sophia did great, and I found out how much she enjoys being around other little kids! I have to get back into "playgroup" mode!
Sophia has been explo

She likes food now. She still isn't sure about the swallowing part, as some comes back out (sometimes it seems like there's more food in the "food goatee" then I put in to her mouth!) She loves banana puffs, all fruits, and cupcakes (check out the photo of her first cupcake experience!), and she doesn't love green beans.

Sophia had her first trip to Grace Community Church last night! She was a big fan of the music and sat calmly in my lap and rocked back and forth. She made her dad proud, because she actually found the beat!
Tonight we watched the Colts lose in the Super B

The rest of the family is doing pretty well. Lauren is a favorite of her little sisters, and Marcus loves to try to get Sophia to laugh. The kids and David and I were pretty much over jet lag by the time we were home from Minnesota, so we are sleeping at the right times and all that. Lauren and Marcus weren't overly thrilled to head back to school on Tuesday, but I actually thin

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