The drooler, code for Sophia, is at it again. She is cutting teeth. She currently has 2 on the bottom and 2 on top, so we've been keeping our eyes on the next 2 on the bottom - they look like they are on the verge. Well, at supper tonight, David said he thought he felt something a little further back. I stuck my finger in to her reluctant mouth and proceeded to get bit! from the top and the bottom! Sure enough, she has all 4 of some big teeth on the sides. This is not the normal order, so I am not sure what's up. I'll be investigating this tomorrow with my friend Angie, the hygienist who's coming for lunch. No wonder she does such a good job chewing meat. Who knew?
Things are going great here at the Roux house. Sorry I've been so lax in blogging. A lot of fun stuff's happening, but we've been rather busy. There are 8 more days of school left (woohoo!) and the kids are feeling the itch to be done. Sophia experienced her first campfire on Friday wi

th some good friends. No camping, as sleeping outside isn't my favorite without a 1 year

old. That will have to wait a couple years. She loves to be outside and she loves s'mores so she had a blast.
Sophia enjoys the stairs. She likes to go up and down and sit on them and walk really close to the edge of them. She has the most experience with the carpeted, ins

ide ones, but today she was all about the cement front steps (In my brain I have visions of a bloody lip, a screaming baby, and a trip to the ER where they tell me I'll just have to let it heal again.) She wiggles in my arms and attempts to launch herself out of my grasp if I attempt to carry her up or down stairs.

Right now, some of her favorite things: music and scrolling pictures on the lap top, her stuffed puppy, and "winking" (very cute 2 eyed squint with a .2 second grin). Her lip is healing. She is a touch asymmetrical and there is still a bit of a scab where the hole used to be, but otherwise, she is starting to look pretty good. I included a close up photo so you could see the progress. Continue to pray for healing. We will see the surgeon again on Monday.
Sophia sounds a lot like Ethan. I too think he's getting molars in. And he loves stairs. He loves to climb up on the couch & scare me as he gets down. He likes to tumble off of his little foam couch and roll on the floor. I'm also waiting for our 1st ER visit. :-) Ethan also likes to "blink" and it's so cute. He also learned how to "fist bump" last week. We'll say "Ethan, fist bump" and he comes running over with a closed fist. I can't believe these miracles have been with us for 4 months. I'm enjoying watching everyone grow and bond. Ethan's lip surgery was scheduled for May 28th. They changed it to June 7th. We're so ready to get it done!